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ViewPoint Advanced

[ViewPoint Advanced]

ViewPoint Advanced is the top of the range product with many sophisticated features which will fulfill the needs of experienced users.

There are no limits on the number of image files, plot windows or points which can be used, other than the available system resources.

Included Features


Opening of AVI, MPEG, JPEG, Bitmap, PNG, single-frame and concatenated TIFF image files

(opening of AVI and MPEG formats are dependent on the installed codecs).


Opening of camera native format files, choice of any one supported camera.


Opening of image control files as templates.


Saving of AVI and concatenated TIFF image files.


Saving of single-frame format files (TIFF, JPEG, Bitmap).


Overlay of frame and/or time and/or logo on saved image files.


Feature match, fixed, contrast, quadrant, rotating quadrant and computed point types.


Position and depth/angle correction anchor point property.


Point property and detection value modification.


Point deletion and re-detection.


Connecting lines between points.


Simple, offset, skewed, rotated and multi-offset motion scale types.


Zoom mode which allows image and plot window contents to be magnified.


Separate zoom window.


Pixel position and value display.


Ability to hide image pixels in image window to display points and lines, only.


Point/line history display in image window.


Brightness, contrast, gamma, rotate, mirror and color inversion image filtering.


Variable image filter sections.


Image property display.


Modification of selected image properties such as frame rate.


Import of Diadem, IOTech and text format sensor data to plots.


Excel format sensor data import, including drag/drop/ paste data into plot windows.


Sensor data export in Diadem and text file formats.


Multi-page print layout formatting.


Logo import to print layouts.


Print layout templates.


Plot data saving to space and comma separated text files.


Plot deletion and property modification.


J211 CFC and basic plot data smoothing.


Undo / redo of last actions.


Ability to select windows for export to a file (any licensed save format) for use in presentations.


2D lens correction.


Choice of small or large toolbar button size.


Viewer application included.

Optional Features

The following additional features may be purchased:


Opening of additional camera native format files such as Bayer.


Opening of raw pixel format image files.


Airbag point type.


Polygon point type.


Leading edge point type.


Grid overlay image filter.


Plot data export to existing Excel files.


Image merging to simplify test comparisons.


3D detection and analysis.

For pricing and other information, please contact us at +1 (315) 796-6556 or email GlenallanTech@gmail.com.

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