ViewPoint Overview
ViewPoint The Modern Motion Analysis Tool
ViewPoint provides a modern solution to the task of investigating how items move when recorded in sequences of digital images. Items are referred to as points or targets, and are identified by patterns in the image frames.
ViewPoint has powerful automatic pattern detection features and extensive result analysis options.
ViewPoint uses separate files to save the analysis data thus there is never any need to alter the original image data, unless filtering is to be permanently applied or a different format is required.
ViewPoint has three analysis product models, Basic, Standard and Advanced, which have different feature levels to suit all requirements. There is also a Viewer model which is designed for the review of previously processed image files.
All models support the following features:
Opening of AVI, single-frame and concatenated TIFF image files.
Feature match and fixed point types (Viewer display only).
Position anchor point property (Viewer display only).
Connecting lines between points (Viewer display only).
Simple and offset motion scale types (Viewer display only).
Zoom mode which allows image and plot window contents to be magnified.
Image property display.
Modification of selected image properties such as frame rate.
Import of Diadem, IOTech and text format sensor data to plots.
Multi-page print layout formatting.
Plot data saving to space and comma separated text files.
Plot deletion, property modification and basic smoothing.
Choice of small or large toolbar button size.
All models except for the Viewer support the following features:
Opening of JPEG image files.
Saving of AVI and concatenated TIFF image files.
Point property and detection value modification.
Point deletion and re-detection.
Brightness, contrast and gamma image filtering.
Viewer application included.
All models except for the Viewer have optional features which can be added to the product package. These are described on each model page.
For pricing and other information, please contact us at +1 (315) 796-6556 or email
Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP-Pro SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10.
Minimum Hardware: Computer: CPU: Pentium III 700MHz, Memory: 512MB, HDD free space: 80MB excluding user image files, 20GB recommended, Monitor: XGA True Color 1024x768.
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