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ViewPoint Viewer

[ViewPoint Viewer]

ViewPoint Viewer is designed for the review of AVI, single-frame and concatenated TIFF image files which have been previously processed by another ViewPoint model.  The Viewer cannot create points or other items, or save image and sensor data files.  However, it can display all points and other items created by other ViewPoint models.

With the Viewer, you may have up to 4 open images and 5 plot windows.

The Viewer Application is included free of charge with the other product models.

Included Features


Opening of AVI, single-frame and concatenated TIFF image files.


Display of all point types and connecting lines between points.


Import of all motion scale types.


Zoom mode which allows image and plot window contents to be magnified.


Separate zoom window.


Ability to hide image pixels in image window to display points and lines, only.


Image property display.


Modification of selected image properties such as frame rate.


Import of Diadem, IOTech and text format sensor data to plots.


Multi-page print layout formatting.


Plot data saving to space and comma separated text files.


Plot deletion and property modification.


Basic plot data smoothing.


Choice of small or large toolbar button size.

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